University Calendar 2009/10
Section VII : Academic Regulations - Faculty of Engineering, Science and Mathematics
School of Mathematics

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Assessment Regs
Engineering Sciences
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Ocean & Earth Science
School School of Mathematics
Final Award Bachelor of Science (BSc)
Exit awards:
Certificate of Higher Education
Diploma of Higher Education
Programme(s) All programmes are full time: Mathematical Studies can be taken part-time.
Mathematical Studies
Mathematics with Actuarial Science
Mathematics with Astronomy
Mathematics with Biology
Mathematics with Computer Science
Mathematics with Economics
Mathematics with Finance (formerly also Financial Mathematics)
Mathematics with Management Sciences (formerly also Management Mathematics)
Mathematics with Music
Mathematics with Operational Research
Mathematics with Physics
Mathematics with Statistics
Mathematics and a Modern Language
Last modified July 2009

Reference should be made to the University's General Regulations found in Section IV and Section V (Higher Degree Regulations) of the University Calendar.

Except where the School has been granted an opt-out by the University (see below) the following academic regulations apply in addition to the General Regulations.

1. Admissions
1.1 All students admitted to a programme for the degree of Bachelor of Science (BSc) in the School shall be candidates for an honours degree and must:

  1. satisfy the Regulations for Admission to Degree Programmes as specified in the General Regulations;

  2. satisfy the appropriate programme requirements.
1.2 Students are required to have passes in three relevant subjects at GCE Advanced level including an approved mathematics subject (see School website for more detail). The School Board may admit students with other qualifications.
  • For Mathematics and a Modern Language Advanced level pass in the appropriate language is required.

  • For Mathematics with Biology Advanced level pass in Biology is required.

  • For Mathematics with Music Advanced level pass in Music is required.
  • For Mathematics with Physics Advanced level pass in Physics is required.
1.3 The School of Mathematics is committed to a comprehensive policy of equal opportunities for students and staff, in line with the University’s Equal Opportunities Policy. Individuals are selected and treated on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities and are given equal opportunities within the University.

2. Structure of Programme(s)
2.1 All modules in the undergraduate programmes are credit rated in accordance with the principles contained in the CATS Guide and Regulations. A statement of how the CATS arrangements apply to each programme is included in the Undergraduate Degree Course Programmes Handbook.
2.2 The programme of full time study for the degree of BSc is three years except for the Mathematics and a Modern Language degree programme which requires an additional year for studies abroad. The programme of part time study for the degree of BSc in Mathematical Studies is for not less than four and not more than eight academic years.
2.3 Students on degree programmes in the School follow an approved pattern of study in accordance with the programme regulations in order to qualify for an award. A Programme Co-ordinator is appointed for each Programme who, subject to the approval of the School Board, will ensure that each student’s choice of modules forms a coherent pattern of study.
2.4 All undergraduate programmes are based on a common module structure as follows:
  1. The modules taken in the first year form Part I, those in the second year form Part II, those in the third year form Part III, and where relevant those in the fourth year form Part IV of the Single or Combined Honours programmes: for Mathematics and a Modern Languages students the modules taken in their fourth year (after spending a year abroad) form Part III with the possibility of coursework or relevant examinations during the year abroad being required.

  2. The subjects available in the School are divided into modules: students are required to take the equivalent of eight modules in each year to form a coherent pattern of study for a full time degree programme. Normally four modules are taken in each semester.

  3. Each degree programme may prescribe certain modules which are core or compulsory and this information is included in the Undergraduate Degree Programmes Handbook.

  4. Each module lasts one semester, and is offered at levels 1, 2, 3 or 4 with the level coinciding notionally with the year of study. In each year at least six of the eight modules must be at or above the corresponding notional level. A project is equivalent to one or two modules depending on its duration.

  5. In the second and third years students choose modules, other than those which are core or compulsory, from the appropriate second, third and fourth level modules in consultation with their Personal Tutors and relevant Programme Co-ordinators.

  6. Normally no more than three non-MATH modules may be taken on the Single Honours Mathematics programme.

  7. In the final year for Mathematics and a Modern Language at least four MATH modules at level 3 or 4 must be taken.

  8. Students following the Mathematics and a Modern Language programme are required to spend the third year abroad in a country where the language of study is normally spoken. Where possible this period will be in a Mathematics Department of a University in the country visited, and the arrangements will be subject to the approval of the Head of School.

  9. Students following Combined Honours programmes take the core and compulsory modules and options which will normally provide a profile of modules to include at least 16 MATH modules. In the final year at least four of the MATH modules taken must be at level 3 or 4.

  10. Students taking the part-time degree in Mathematical Studies are required to enrol for not less than two and not more than five modules in each academic year. An individual programme of study will be agreed to meet the requirements of each Part (see (a) above). Students must enrol for not less than 24 modules and satisfy the examiners in not less than 20 of those modules to be considered for an honours degree. An ordinary degree may be awarded to a student who has enrolled for not less than 18 modules and satisfied the examiners in not less than 16 of those modules.

  11. Students enrolled for the part-time degree in Mathematical Studies may with the permission of the School Board be eligible to enrol subsequently for full time study. Permission will be granted only if an approved programme of study can be based on the modules already satisfactorily completed. In order to be considered for admission to the second year of a full time programme the student must have registered for not less than eight modules and have satisfied the examiners in not less than seven of them. In order to qualify for admission to the third year of a full time programme the student must have registered for not less than 16 modules and have satisfied the examiners in not less than 14 of them.

3. Progression
3.1 The School follows the University Progression Regulations (Section IV of the University Calendar) except that the Qualifying Mark for undergraduate programmes is zero (not 25%). As a result the School has a different set of progression criteria and these are detailed in the Undergraduate Student Information Handbook Section II: Examinations which is issued annually to all undergraduate students.
3.2 The School follows the University Progression Regulations (Section IV of the University Calendar) for the determination and classification of degrees.
3.3 The School follows the University Progression Regulations (Section IV of the University Calendar) in cases where students do not obtain a standard in the assessments which is deemed satisfactory to the School Board. The following is additional to those regulations:
  1. A student repeating at the normal time of the assessments held in the following year shall normally be required to take the papers set for that occasion regardless of any change in syllabus.

  2. A student for any of the joint or combined honours degree programmes must also satisfy the examiners of the named second subject. A student who does not meet this requirement in the assessments held during the first or second year of the programme may be permitted to continue on to the subsequent year of the Mathematics or the Mathematical Studies programme if appropriate. A student in this position may elect to be referred in those modules in which failure has prevented continuation on the named degree. A student who does not meet the named second subject requirement in the final year may, if appropriate, be recommended for the award of a degree in Mathematics or Mathematical Studies.

  3. A student on the part-time degree in Mathematical Studies must meet the requirements as identified in Section 2. above.

4. Assessment
4.1 Each module in Mathematics is normally examined at the end of the semester in which it is given; some modules may include coursework or other assessment which takes place during the session. First year assessments form Part I, those in the second year form Part II, and those in the third year (or fourth for Modern Language students) form Part III.
4.2 Modules given by other Schools are assessed in line with the normal times for those Schools.
4.3 The School’s consideration of assessment marks is undertaken by relevant Examinations Boards, together with External Examiners for Parts II and III, in line with the progression rules outlined in Section 3. above.

5. Award of Qualification(s)
5.1 The degree of BSc may be awarded as an Honours or an Ordinary degree. To be considered for an Honours degree students must have met the programme requirements and achieved at least 360 CATS points at the relevant levels. To be considered for an Ordinary degree students must have met the programme requirements and achieved at least 300 CATS points with 60 of those being at level 3.
5.2 Students allowed to proceed to the second year with at least 120 CATS points but opting not to do so will be recommended to the University Senate for the exit award of the Certificate in Higher Education. Students allowed to proceed to the third year with at least 240 CATS points but opting not to do so will be recommended to the University Senate for the exit award of the Diploma in Higher Education.
5.3 The exit or degree awards are made by the University Senate on the recommendation of the School Board to students who have satisfactorily completed the relevant study and assessment requirements. No award is made to a student who has an outstanding debt to the University.
5.4 Results are provided to students through formal statements of marks and their Personal Tutors or someone acting on their behalf. Other awards are notified to individuals as appropriate.
5.5 Regulations relating to complaints and appeals are in the University Calendar Section IV.

6. Placements/Study Abroad/Exchange/Fieldwork
6.1 No BSc programme requires a formal placement as part of its study requirements, subject to 6.4 below. Placements undertaken by students are therefore at their own request and they are responsible for all relevant matters relating to the placement.
6.2 A BSc student may be permitted to follow a programme varying slightly from the normal requirements, eg: spending a semester abroad, not as a programme requirement. Requests are considered individually.
6.3 The School has an exchange arrangement with Curtin University in Australia. Requests to be considered for the exchange are considered individually.
6.4 Students following the Mathematics and a Modern Language programme are required to spend the third year abroad in a country where the language of study is normally spoken. Where possible this period will be in a Mathematics Department of a University in the country visited, and the arrangements will be subject to the approval of the Head of School.

7. Other
7.1 These regulations may be revised during a student’s period of registration in accordance with procedures approved by Senate.
7.2 Students are required to satisfy the academic requirements of their programmes (see Programme Handbooks) and the attendance requirements (University Calendar, Section IV). Failure to do so may lead to termination of programme (University Calendar, section IV).

Submitted by the Secretariat
Last reviewed: 04-Aug-2009
© University of Southampton