University Calendar 2009/10
Section VII : Academic Regulations - Faculty of Engineering, Science and Mathematics
Institute of Sound and Vibration Research

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Assessment Regs
Civil Engineering
Engineering Sciences
ISVR Index
Ocean & Earth Science
School Institute of Sound and Vibration Research
Final Award MPhil/PhD
Programme(s) Master of Philosophy/Doctor of Philosophy
Last modified May 2009

Reference should be made to the University's General Regulations found in Section IV and Section V (Higher Degree Regulations) of the University Calendar.

Except where the School has been granted an opt-out by the University (see below) the following academic regulations apply in addition to the General Regulations.

1. Admissions
All candidates satisfying the language, academic and other qualification criteria (detailed below) are eligible.

Within ISVR the primary bursary scheme is through Rayleigh Scholarships, which part-fund a number of Overseas and Home/EU students each year. Cases put forward by supervisors for named students, and these are competitively judged by the School Management Group with the emphasis being on the quality of the candidate in question. The usual external bursaries (such as the Overseas Research Students, ORS, Awards Scheme) are also used.

Standard academic requirements
Standard entry requirement usually require a good first degree or MSc in a topic which is deemed to be relevant by the supervisor and Director of Postgraduate Research. A minimum IELTS score of 6.5 or equivalent is usually required, although in exceptional circumstances and with the agreement of the Director Postgraduate Research the candidate can instead be required to attend training at the Language Centre.

An interview with the proposed supervisor and other members of staff is preferred, although it is recognized that this is not possible with all applicants because of the distances involved.

2. Structure of Programme(s)
Mode of attendance and duration
The maximum duration of the programme is in accordance with the Regulations (4 years full-time, 7 years part-time) although candidates are encouraged to complete earlier than this (e.g. 3 years full-time).

Candidates are required to complete the Faculty Generic Skills training programme, and pass three technical modules at Master’s level. Exemptions from some elements can be obtained by the supervisor making a case to the ISVR Research Training Committee, which meets three times a year to consider whether exemptions can be awarded. Students are provided with a PC-based method for giving anonymous feedback on the technical modules, and hard-copy feedback on the generic skills training.

3. Progression

Students are assigned two supervisors, the balance of duties between the two varying depending on the nature of the project and needs of the student.

The review board meets at intervals of 9 months (or as near to this as possible, with a 3-month review offered in exception circumstances if required) until the student is upgraded to PhD (see Calendar Section V). The student must submit a report 2 weeks before each review. The review considers the progress in Generic Skills training, the technical modules taken, and the progress of the project.

4. Assessment
Assessment is made through a PhD viva and thesis. The Head of School and Deputy Head of School (Research) agree to the appointment of the internal and external examiners. In other aspects the procedures are as laid out in the University rules.

5. Award of Qualification(s)
The final award is awarded by Senate on the recommendation of the relevant School Board to candidates who have satisfactorily completed an approved course of study and have satisfied the assessment requirements.

6. Placements/Study Abroad/Exchange/Fieldwork
Students may undertake fieldwork or placements abroad (project specific).

7. Other
These regulations may be revised during the student's period of registration in accordance with the procedures approved by Senate.

Candidates are required to satisfy the academic and attendance requirements of the programme as laid out in the Programme Specification and the Student Handbook for the programme. Those failing to do so may have their course terminated.

Submitted by the Secretariat
Last reviewed: 27-Aug-2009
© University of Southampton