University Calendar 2009/10
Section VII : Academic Regulations - Faculty of Engineering, Science and Mathematics
Institute of Sound and Vibration Research

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Assessment Regs
Civil Engineering
Engineering Sciences
ISVR Index
Ocean & Earth Science
School Institute of Sound and Vibration Research
Final Award Bachelor of Science (BSc)
Programme(s) BSc(Hons) Audiology
Last modified July 2009

Reference should be made to the University's General Regulations found in Section IV and Section V (Higher Degree Regulations) of the University Calendar.

Except where the School has been granted an opt-out by the University (see below) the following academic regulations apply in addition to the General Regulations.

1. Admissions
The programme is open to British and EU nationals and residents of the Channel Islands and Isle of Man. Nationals of non-EU countries who have indefinite leave to remain in the UK may be eligible.

Means tested NHS bursaries are available to eligible students who have been resident in the UK for 3 years immediately prior to commencement of the programme. Students normally resident in the Channel Islands and Isle of Man are not normally eligible for a bursary and must pay fees at the standard University rate.

Standard academic requirements
Standard entry requirements based on A-levels are at least 320 points from three A Levels (e.g. ABB). Further details and alternative entry criteria are detailed in the university prospectus.

Health and Criminal Records Bureau checks
All offers have the compulsory condition of satisfactory outcomes from an Enhanced Disclosure Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check and an Occupational Health (OH) check.

All suitable applicants are asked to attend an open day and interview. Applicants considered to have uncertain academic suitability for the course on the basis of the UCAS forms (e.g. borderline or non-standard academic track records), particularly with regard to science, may be asked to complete an admissions assessment at interview.

2. Structure of Programme(s)
Mode of attendance and duration
The programme s restricted to full-time study only for a period of 4 years.
Years 1, 2 and 4 (Parts I, II and III) entail study at the University, while the third year comprises a 12-month clinical placement (see section 6).

The only optional modules are in Part III. Preferences are expressed by students and selections are subject to approval by the Programme Coordinator.

Modules are detailed in the Programme Specification, including content and credit ratings.

3. Progression
Students must normally complete each year successfully before progressing to the next. The exception is for students who have not reached the required standard on clinical placement, who may commence Part III while they are given further opportunities to demonstrate clinical competence. In other respects standard University rules on progression apply (see Section IV of Calendar).

4. Assessment
Assessment of clinical competence during placement is a shared responsibility of the University and clinical placement supervisors, based on satisfactory demonstration of clinical skills defined in a nationally agreed portfolio. This is a core component of the programme and must be passed for the standard award.

5. Award of Qualification(s)
The final award is awarded by Senate on the recommendation of the relevant School Board to candidates who have satisfactorily completed an approved course of study and have satisfied the assessment requirements.

Final awards
The award of BSc(Hons) in Audiology is available to students who have completed Parts I, II and III satisfactorily and have demonstrated clinical competence. Students who have not demonstrated clinical competence by the end of the programme are eligible for award of BSc(Hons) in Audiology (non-clinical) provided Parts I, II and III have been passed.

Degree classification
The standard University criteria for classification of degrees apply (see Section IV of Calendar).

Details of submission of coursework and assessment guidelines are included in the Programme Handbook.

6. Placements/Study Abroad/Exchange/Fieldwork
Clinical placement
The clinical placement is compulsory and involves paid employment, normally for 6 months at each of two NHS audiology departments. Clinical competence is assessed formally as a core component of the programme. Students are required to meet the normal contractual demands of the employer during placement, which may include further Criminal Records Bureau checks and Occupational Health checks. Failure to meet these requirements will mean that clinical competence is not demonstrated.

7. Other
These regulations may be revised during the student's period of registration in accordance with the procedures approved by Senate.

Candidates are required to satisfy the academic and attendance requirements of the programme as laid out in the Programme Specification and the Student Handbook for the programme. Those failing to do so may have their course terminated.

Submitted by the Secretariat
Last reviewed: 27-Aug-2009
© University of Southampton