University Calendar 2009/10
Section VII : Academic Regulations - Faculty of Engineering, Science and Mathematics
School of Geography

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Assessment Regs
Civil Engineering
Engineering Sciences
Geography Index
Ocean & Earth Science
School School of Geography
Final Award Bachelor of Science (Honours)
Programme(s) Geography
Geography with Oceanography
Geography with Geology
Last modified July 2009

Reference should be made to the University's General Regulations found in Section IV and Section V (Higher Degree Regulations) of the University Calendar.

Except where the School has been granted an opt-out by the University (see below) the following academic regulations apply in addition to the General Regulations.

1. Admissions
  • AAB-ABB including an A-grade in Geography. General Studies is not accepted. For joint honours programmes, an additional A-level science subject is required.

  • International Baccalaureate: 33-34 points, 16 at higher level.

  • Scottish Highers: AAABB

  • European Baccalaureate: 80%

  • BTEC and ACCESS: Applications are considered on individual merit.

  • We also welcome applicants with other qualifications (eg: Irish Leaving Certificate, other Baccalaureates, AGNVQ, etc.). Such applicants will be reviewed individually. Applications from mature students (over 21 years old) are especially welcome and are encouraged to contact the Admissions Tutor directly for further information.

  • Where modules completed by a candidate at other places of learning are considered to be equivalent to a relevant module of the programme (in accordance with the University's regulations on credit transfer) the University may permit such a candidate to qualify for the degree by following such a programme of study and completing such examinations as it shall specify.
Further information on the University's Admissions and Equal Opportunities policies can be found in Section IV of the University Calendar.

The University's Equal Opportunities policy states that no person will be discriminated against on any grounds which are not relevant to their academic ability. All reasonable efforts will be made to ensure that no prospective or existing student is treated less favourably on the grounds of age, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, creed, disability, HIV status, sexual orientation, gender, marital or parental/carer status, political belief or social or economic class, or any other type of discrimination.

Disabled applicants will be treated according to the same procedures as any other applicant with the additional involvement of Enabling Services to assess their needs.

2. Structure of Programme(s)
The degree can be taken on a full- or part-time basis over a three year period (not less than four years for part-time students). In addition to the three University terms (two semesters) each year, students may also be required to attend for additional periods of study; for example, field courses held during vacations or supplementary examinations.

The degree consists of three levels of study with a mixture of core and optional modules at all levels. Optional modules must be chosen in consultation with the personal tutor. The programme structure and examples of optional modules are detailed in the programme specification and at

3. Progression
In addition to the requirements laid out in the University's Regulations for Progression, the following also applies:

Repeat: The repeat of a dissertation shall normally mean the setting aside of the original dissertation topic.

At the end of Year 1 is is possible to transfer to the BA Geography programme.

4. Assessment
The performance of candidates shall be assessed by the Board of Examiners in accordance with the University's regulations governing examinations. All examinations will be held during the standard University examination periods.

5. Award of Qualification(s)
The School follows the University's regulations on Progression, Determination and Classification of Results for the award of an Honours degree.

If you meet the requirements to proceed to Part 2 of your programme but do no wish to do so you may exit the programme with a Certificate in Higher Education. If you meet the requirements to proceed to Part 3 of your programme but do not wish to do so you may exit the programme with a Diploma in Higher Education.

If, having completed Part 3 of your programme, you fail to meet the requirements to graduate with an Honours degree but you have successfully completed a minimum of 300 credit points, including at least 60 credit points from Part 3 modules, you may be awarded an Ordinary Degree.

Details of the processes for submission of coursework are contained in the School Undergraduate Guide at

Publication of results will occur at 2.00pm on the Friday following the relevant Board of Examiners' meeting or as otherwise indicated in the University Almanac.

The final award is awarded by Senate on the recommendation of the relevant School Board to candidates who have satisfactorily completed an approved programme of study and have satisfied the assessment requirements.

The full regulations, including those relating to complaints and appeals, can be found in Section IV of the University Calendar.

6. Placements/Study Abroad/Exchange/Fieldwork
The School runs an exchange programme to Singapore, Canada and Europe. Students may choose to participate in an exchange during semester 2 of the second year of their degree programme. The marks achieved during the exchange will be included in the final degree class aggregate and may be scaled to ensure parity with UK marks.

7. Other
These regulations may be revised during the student's period of registration in accordance with the procedures approved by Senate.

Candidates are required to satisfy the academic and attendance requirements of the programme as laid out in the Programme Specification and the Student Handbook for the programme. Those failing to do so may have their course terminated.

Submitted by the Secretariat
Last reviewed: 27-Aug-2009
© University of Southampton