University Calendar 2009/10
Section VII : Academic Regulations - Faculty of Engineering, Science and Mathematics

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Assessment Regs
Civil Engineering
Engineering Sciences
Ocean & Earth Science
School Faculty of Engineering, Science & Mathematics Foundation Years
Final Award  
Programme(s) Engineering/Physics/Geophysics Foundation Year (EPG FY)
Engineering/Physics/Geophysics Foundation Year Language Pathway A (EPG FY LPA)
Engineering/Physics/Geophysics Foundation Year Language Pathway B (EPG FY LPB)
Science Foundation Year (SFY)
Last modified July 2009

Reference should be made to the University's General Regulations found in Section IV and Section V (Higher Degree Regulations) of the University Calendar.

Except where the School has been granted an opt-out by the University (see below) the following academic regulations apply in addition to the General Regulations.

1. Admissions
All candidates must satisfy the Regulations for Admission to Degree Courses as specified in Section IV (General Regulations) of the University Calendar, and must satisfy the Board of Studies as to their suitability and preparation for the programme.

2. Structure of Programme(s)
The Foundation Year extends over one academic year. The mode of study for all programmes is full time. EPG FY, EPG FY LPA AND EPG FY LPB are taken on the Highfield Campus; SFY is taken at Eastleigh College.

The programme of study consists of the Foundation Year followed by the specified degree programmes:
  • EPG FY, EPG FY LPA, EPG FY LPB: any first degree programme in Engineering (in the Schools of Electronics and Computer Science, Engineering Sciences, Civil Engineering and the Environment or the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research), Computer Science, Physics (with the exception of programmes with an integral year abroad) or Geophysics.

  • SFY: BSc Biology, BSc Zoology, BSc Biochemistry, BSc Biomedical Sciences, BSc Pharmacology, BSc/MChem Chemistry, BSc/MEnv Environmental Sciences, BSc/MGeol Geology, BSc/MOcean Oceanography, BSc Marine Biology with Oceanography, MMBio Marine Biology.
Details of the structure and modules for each programme may be found in the relevant Programme Specification.

3. Progression

To qualify to proceed from one year to the next, a candidate must reach a standaard in the assessment, as detailed in the Programme Specification, satisfactory to the Board of Studies. The assessment may include the formal examination papers, coursework, practical work, project work and other work as appropriate.

A candidate not achieving the required standard may refer or resit according to the rules in the Programme Specification for the EPG FY, EPG FY LPA, EPG FY LPB or SFY as applicable.

Candidates satisfying the examiners will progress to Part I of a specified degree programme. A candidate progressing to Part I of any programme will thereafter by subject to the regulations in force for candidates entering that programme in the same year.

4. Assessment
A candidate who marginally fails to satisfy the examiners may have a right of referral as detailed in the Programme Specification. Referral examinations are normally taken in the August/September period. A candidate may not progress to the following year of the programme until referral examinations have been passed.

A candidate who fails at referral, or who has no referral right under the regulations, has the right to resit. A resit for the Foundation Year consists of taking all examinations again, including any which have already been passed at the first attempt or at referral. In exceptional circumstances, the Board of Studies may permit subsequent resitting.

Candidates will normally be permitted to resit only at the normal time or times for the examination in the next academic year. A resit is normally taken externally but a candidate may decide, following academic counselling, to take an internal resit. In this case, normal fees will be payable and the right to any further resit is lost. A candidate may not progress to the following year of the programme until resit examinations have been passed.

The progression rules for resit examinations are the same as for first attempt examinations except that a further right of resit is not available. The course of a candidate failing at resit will be terminated.

A candidate permitted to resit or refer will normally be required to take the papers set for that occasion regardless of any change of syllabus. It is the responsibility of the candidate to ascertain from the Foundation Year manager in good time whether any such changes have been made.

Candidates may bring to the Director, in writing, any circumstances that they consider to have affected their performance in any examination. These will be considered by the Special Considerations Examination Board and recommendations regarding progression will be forwarded to the Board of Studies.

5. Award of Qualification(s)

6. Placements/Study Abroad/Exchange/Fieldwork

7. Other
These regulations may be revised during the student's period of registration in accordance with the procedures approved by Senate.

Candidates are required to satisfy the academic and attendance requirements of the programme as laid out in the Programme Specification and the Foundation Year Examination Regulations. Those failing to do so may have their course terminated.

Submitted by the Secretariat
Last reviewed: 13-Jul-2009
© University of Southampton